"Simsbury Bat Carver" (CT
19th Century Markers; Uni
Adams, Persis
Allen, Jonathan
Alvord, Job
Ammidon, Lt. Ichabod
Arms, Daniel
Arms, John
Ashley, Israel G. Jr.
Ashley, Israel; Ashley, S
Ashley, Major Noah; Ashle
Atwater, Dolly; Atwater,
Ayer, Deacon James
Ayres, Samuel
Baker, Holester
Ballantine, Rev. John
Barker, Ezra
Barker, Miriam
Barnard, Abner
Barnard, Israel
Barnard, Martha M.
Barnard, Theodotha
Bartlet, Ebenezar
Bartlet, Ebenezer Jr.
Bartlett, Frederic; Bartl
Bartlett, Gershom
Barton, Eliphas
Barton, Elisha
Barton, Infant
Barton, Rebekah
Barton, Sylvester
Bascom, Experience
Bascom, Samuel
Belchertown Carver of For
Belding, John
Bigelow, Joseph
Bingham, Jabez
Birchard, Cenaca Barton
Birchard, John
Bishop, Earl
Bishop, Frederick Wm.
Bissell, Dr. Elihu
Bliss, Aaron
Bliss, Abel
Bliss, Abigail
Bliss, Children; Bliss, G
Bliss, Elisabeth
Bliss, Henry
Bliss, Jonathan
Bliss, Katharine
Bliss, Luke
Bliss, Mary
Bliss, Oliver Dargo
Bliss, Pelatiah; Bliss, P
Bliss, Polly; Bliss, Will
Bliss, Reuben
Bliss, William
Booth, E.
Brainard, Children
Brewer, Daniel
Brewer, Isaac
Brewer, Marey
Brewer, Solomon
Buckland, John
Burbank, Bethiah
Burbank, Hannah
Burnet, Clarissa
Burnett, Clarissa
Burnham, Joseph
Burr, Priscilla
Burt, Abel
Burt, Asenath D.
Burt, Daniel
Burt, Louice
Burt, Lucy
Burt, Lydia
Burt, Mercy
Burt, Moses
Burt, Samuel
Bush, Aaron
Bush, Mary
Butts, Children
C., E.
Carver of Chapin/Ellis S
Carver of Jonathan Prest
Carver of Mary Smith Styl
Carver of Samuel Ayres S
Catling, John
Chapin, Jason
Chapin, John; Chapin, Era
Chapin, Mary P.; Chapin,
Chapman, Newton W.
Chauncey, Sarah
Church, Hope Still
Church, John
Church, Moses
Church, Waitstill
Clap, Chester
Clap, Ezra
Clap, Lt. Daniel
Clap, Margaret
Clap, Mehetable
Clap, Patty
Clap, Sarah
Clark, David; Clark, Davi
Clark, Dorcas
Clark, Enoch
Clark, Hannah
Clark, Marcy
Clark, Mary
Clark, Moses
Clark, Sarah
Clark, Thankful
Clark, Titus
Clarke, Eunice
Clarke, Joseph
Cocktil, Elizabeth
Colton, Abigail
Colton, Dinah
Colton, Eunice
Colton, Hannah
Colton, Joseph
Colton, Moses
Colton, Rebekah
Cook, Aaron
Cook, Moses
Cook, Noah
Cooke, Phinehas
Cooley, Caleb; Cooley, Se
Cooley, Dorcas
Cooley, Mary
Cooley, Obadiah
Cooley, Persis
Cooley, William
Day, Alvin
Day, Hezekiah; Day, Mary
Dewey, Mary
Dewey, Medad
Dewey, Thomas
Di(ki)nson, William
Dickinson, Harry S.
Dickinson, Joshua
Dickinson, Lois; Dickinso
Dickinson, Martha
Dickinson, Sally
Domo, Mary
Drake, Ebenezer
Drinkwater's "Swift River
Dwight, Hannah
Dwight, Henry
Dwight, Lydia
Dwight, Seth
Dwit, Nathaniel
Eastman, Benjamin
Eastman, William
Eaton, James
Edwards, Benjamin
Edwards, Ebenezer
Ellinwood, Benja[min]
Ely, Abigail
Ely, Ann
Ely, Caleb
Ely, Capt. Levi
Ely, Ensn. John
Ely, Heman
Ely, John
Ely, Joseph
Faces with Wings, 1760-17
Faces with Wings, 1780-17
Ferry, Ebenezer
Field, John
Field, Samuel
Field, Sarah; Field, Naom
Field, Silas
Flower, Anna
Flower, Joseph
Fowler, Bildad
Frissel, Phebe
Gaylord, Abigail
Gaylord, Submit
Goodman, Harry W.
Goodman, Mary; Goodman, M
Goodman, Noah; Goodman, A
Goodrich, Aaron Jr.
Goodwin, Nathaniel
Granger, Daniel
Graves, Joseph
Graves, Mary
Gray, Isaac
Griswold, Edward
Griswold, Elizabeth
Griswold, George and/or G
Hale, David
Hale, Dorcas
Hale, Gideon
Harrison, Stephen
Hartshorn(e), John
Hawks, Elisabeth
Hide, Major Lemuel
Hinckley, Abigail
Hinckley, Job
Hitchcock, David Jr.
Hitchcock, Pelatiah
Hitchcock, Sarah
Holland, William
Holliman, John
Holton, Samuel
Hopkins, Rev. Samll.
Hopkins, Sarah
Hubbard, Ezra C.
Hubbard, Olive
Hunt, Electa
Hunt, John
Hunt, Jonathan
Ingersoll, Synthia
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Thomas I (1690-1
Johnson, Thomas I (1690-1
Johnson, Thomas II (1718-
Johnson, Thomas II (1718-
Johnson, Thomas III (1750
Jones, Anna
Jones, Elisabeth
Jones, Hannah
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Lucy
Jones, Thomas
Judd, Azubah
Judd, Levi; Judd, Asahel
Judd, Lydia
Judd, Ruth
Judd, Thankful
Kar, Joseph
Keep, Abigail
Keep, John
Kellogg, Dorothy
Kellogg, Infant
Kellogg, Joseph
Kent, Rachel
Keys, Solomon
Lamson, 1708 and before (
Lane, Martha
Lathrop, Loring and/or La
Lathrop, Solomon
Lawrence, Dr. James
Lee, Seth
Leonard, Daniel; Leonard,
Leonard, Martha
Lettering Only
Lettering Only; Unidentif
Leverett, Family
Linsey, John Jr.
Livermoar, Grace
Lombard, Sophia
Lyman, Abigail
Lyman, Ann
Lyman, Gideon
Lyman, James
Lyman, John
Lyman, Jonathan
Lyman, Martha
Lyman, Mary Crouch
Lyman, Mehetable
Lyman, William
Lyon, David
Madsly, Benjamin Jr.
Madsly, Noah
Marble, Joseph and/or Mar
Mather, Dr. William
Mather, Major Samuel
Mather, Roland
McIntier, Major William
McIntier, William
Merrick, Aaron C.
Merrick, Abigail
Merrick, Mary
Miller, Dolly
Miller, Mary
Miller, William
Mirick, Aaron
Mirick, David
Mirick, Lt. Gideon
Mitchell, David
Mody, Loesi
Montague, Hannah
Montague, John; Montague,
Montague, Lois; Montague,
Montague, Luke
Montague, Seth; Montague,
Montague, Thankful; Monta
Montague, William
Mood(ey), Capt. Ebenezer
Moodey, Editha
Moodey, Josiah
Moodey, Moses
Moodey, Sarah
Moodey, Thomas Hovey
Moody, Cotton
Moody, Daniel
Moody, Dorcas
Moody, Mary
Moody, Mercy
Moody, Rebekah; Moody, So
Moody, Roxa
Moody, Samuel
Morgan, Jonathan
Morgan, Lydia Bird
Morton, Jonathan
Moseley, Abigail
Moseley, Hannah
Mosely, John
Mountague, Hannah
Mountague, Peter
Nash, Ephraim
Nash, Joseph
Nash, Mary
Needham, Anthony
Newall, Herman
Newall, Herman and/or Ely
Newton, Ezra; Newton, Mel
Newton, Josiah
Nichols, Abigail
Nichols, Samuel Jr.
Nichols, Sarah
Nims, John
Noble, Abigail
Noble, Joanna
Noble, Mathew
Noble, Sarah
Olverd, Elizabeth
Paine, John
Parks, Elisha
Parks, Molly; Parks, Poll
Parks, Nathl.
Parsons, Capt. Ebenezer
Parsons, Lucy
Partridge, Martha
Pease, Abigail
Pease, Job
Phelps, Abigail
Phelps, Elijah
Phelps, Jerusha
Phelps, Martin
Phelps, Nathaniel
Phelps, Nathaniel and/or
Phelps, Nathaniel and/or
Phelps, Rufus
Phelps, Rufus and/or Phel
Phipps, Solomon
Pike, Lydia
Pomeroy, Phebe
Pomeroy, Simeon
Pomeroy, Stephen
Pomeroy, Wealthy
Pomroy, Elisabeth
Pomroy, Mary
Pomroy, Seth
Pomroy, Simeon
Porter, Anne
Porter, Daughters of Elis
Porter, Lois
Porter, Samuel
Porter, Sarah
Pratt Family Carvers, 178
Preston, Infant
Preston, John
Preston, Jonathan
Reed, Thomas
Ritter, Daniel
Root, Elijah
Root, Lucy
Root, Moses
Rust, Israel
Sabin, Lucy
Sacket, Isaac
Scott, John
Scovill, Ebenezer
Scutt, James
Sheldin, Ebenr.
Sheldon, Eunice
Sheldon, Mary
Sikes, E.
Sikes, Elijah
Sikes, Elijah and/or Sik
Sikes, Increase
Sikes, Mary
Sikes, Nathaniel; Sikes,
Sikes, Oren
Sikes, Silas
Skulls/Skeletons, 1740-17
Smith, Abigail
Smith, Abigal
Smith, Chileab
Smith, Ebe
Smith, Ebenezer
Smith, Enos
Smith, Giles
Smith, Jemima; Smith, Inf
Smith, John
Smith, Jonathan
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Josiah; Smith, Abi
Smith, Mary
Smith, Miriam
Smith, Nancy
Smith, Rebeckah
Smith, Reubin
Smith, Rocce
South Hadley "Fan Carver"
Southwel, Enoch
Spaulding, Esther S.; Spa
Spelman, Thomas
Spooner, Sarah
Stanclift, William (1684-
Stanley, John; Stanley, S
Stbbins, Bette
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmeado
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmeado
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins Family/Longmeado
Stebbins Family/Longmead
Stebbins, Ebenezer
Stebbins, Ezra
Stebbins, Sabra
Stebbins, Sarah
Stebbins, Sons
Stevens, Nathan; Stevens,
Stiles, Ezra
Strong, Caleb
Stylistically-related Sto
Swan, Elizabeth
Taylor, Clarissa
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Persis
Taylor, Rhoda
Titcomb, Mary
Torrey, Jonathan
Torrey, Mary
Unidentified (Boston MA)
Unidentified (MA)
Unidentified (MA); Letter
Unidentified (MA); Unique
Urn/Willow Style; Unident
Vinton, Dr. Samuel; Vinto
Wait, Ebenezer
Ward, William
Warner, Aaron
Warner, James
Warner, Jonathan
Warner, Martha
Warner, Nathl. Edward
Warner, Samuel
Warner, Stephen
Warriner, Margret
Warriner, William
Watson, Thankfull
Weller, Jonathan
Weller, Solomon
Wells, Ebenezer
Westcarre, John
Whetcomb, Thomas
White, Amy
White, Augustus
White, Children
White, Christian
White, Dorcas
White, Eunice
White, Ezekiel
White, Jacob
White, John
White, Jonathan
White, Lydia
White, Martha
White, Nathaniel
White, Roxa
White, Tamesin
White, Urania
Whitney, Paul
Williams, Ephraim
Williams, Ephraim; Willia
Williston, Joseph
Winchester, Daniel
Winchester, Ruth
Witter, Betsey Lee
Woodbridge, John; Woodbri
Woodward, Aaron
Woolworth, Marcy
Woolworth, Naomi; Woolwor
Worner, Lucy
Wright, Abel
Wright, Ebenezer
Wright, Ephraim
Wright, Miriam
Wright, Samuel
Wright, Sarah
Browse All
Sandstone of Massachusetts
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3F)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Broken Flower; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Broken Flower; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Broken Flower; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3F)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3F)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3F)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Heart; Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Heart; Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Lettering Only
Ornamental carving
Lettering Only
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 1C)
Ornamental carving
Face (Profile) (2); Hourglass
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 1C)
Ornamental carving
Face (Profile) (2); Hourglass
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Hourglass; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Hourglass; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Hourglass; Scythe
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3E)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3E)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 2B)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3E)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 3E)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Geometric Designs
Ornamental carving
Face (Profile) (2)
Ornamental carving
Face (Profile) (2)
Ornamental carving
Face (Profile) (2)
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 2A)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 2A)
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Ornamental carving
Winged Face
Griswold, George and/or Griswold, Matthew
Ornamental carving
Lettering Only
Ornamental carving
Lettering Only
Stebbins, Ebenezer
Stebbins, Ebenezer
Ornamental carving
Face; Flowers; Hourglass
Ornamental carving
Face; Flowers; Hourglass
Ornamental carving
Face; Flowers; Hourglass
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Stebbins Family/Longmeadow School (Style 4A)
Ornamental carving
Ornamental carving
Face; Flowers
Ornamental carving
Face; Flowers